Daisy Vest |
Brownie Vest |
The flag, council patch and troop numbers are attached on the right shoulder of the vest. Insignia tab- yellow for Daisies- is pinned on the left shoulder. The petals and leaves are attached on the left side of the vest, as are journey awards. Daisy badges are attached on the bottom right of the vest.
The flag, council patch and troop numbers are attached on the right shoulder of the vest. If your troop has a crest, it is placed about the numbers. Insignia tab- brown for Brownies- is pinned on the left shoulder. Badges are attached to the bottom right, Journey awards are attached on the bottom left. Membership pins, bridging rainbows, and earned pins can be placed under the numbers.
Junior Vest |
Cadette/Senior/Ambassador Vest |
The flag, council patch and troop numbers are attached on the right shoulder of the vest. If your troop has a crest, it is attached above the numbers. Insignia tab, green for Juniors, is pinned on the left shoulder. Badges are attached to the bottom right, but if more room is needed, they can also be on the bottom left. Journey awards are attached on the bottom left. Membership pins, bridging rainbows, fly-up wings, and earned pins can be placed under the numbers. Junior bronze award is pinned on the left shoulder.
The color of vest does not change for older Girl Scouts as they move up, therefore all badges for the levels are placed on the vest. The flag, council patch, crest and troop numbers are placed on the right shoulder. The dark blue insignia tab is placed on the left shoulder. Bronze, silver, and gold award pins are placed on the left shoulder.
Advantage Emblem (link below)
Advantage Emblem |
Snappy Logos (link below)
Snappy Logos They carry inexpensive stock patches but will do custom patches. |