Important Troop Info Hold a cookie sale meeting for your troop. Review goals, etiquette, the new digital system, and basic rules. – Girls are not required to sell cookies and the entire troop will use any proceeds equally no matter how many or how few boxes a girl sells. – Girls can not be assigned a number of cookies to sell, the troop can not create a “required minimum” number to sell. Leaders can tell parents how many they would need to sell for the girls to be able to afford to do to everything they have planned. – Do not take any orders before the official start of the sale. Girls can tell people “Thank you for interest! I’ll contact you once the sale starts to get your order.” – Do not sell cookies on public websites. Some examples are Facebook marketplace, eBay, Craigslist, and Nextdoor. – Do not hold your own cookie booths without checking with the SU Cookie Chair first.
Cookie Sale Do’s & Don’t s Every girl has big dreams and every parent wants to do whatever they can to help her get there. Here’s a quick run down on some of rules for the cookie sale.
Troops can set troop goals to help fund the girls’ big plans and can even tell the girls how many boxes they would need to sell to help the troop reach that goal.
BUT troops can not tell a girl that she must sell cookies or say that she must sell a certain number of boxes.
Before the Start Date of Cookie Sales:
Parents may post that she WILL be selling cookies on personal social media pages.
BUT do not accept or write down any orders. If someone comments with an order, please delete their comment and tell them she will contact them at the start of sales. Help your daughter learn to be Honest and Fair, like a true Girl Scout.
On and after Sales start date:
Parents may post that she is selling cookies on personal social media sites like Facebook and Instagram. You can even post a link to her online store to make it easier for distant family to help her out.
BUT you may not post in groups or on public “selling” pages. Some examples are Facebook Marketplace, Facebook group pages, Craigslist, eBay, and Nextdoor.
Parents can take her order sheet to work so co-workers can buy cookies from her.
BUT you may not sell boxes of cookies directly at work, even if it’s your own business, unless your daughter is there at the time.
What happens to girls who break the rules? Her entire troop can be banned from future cookie sales and even lose their earnings from this cookie sale. Being “honest and fair” and being “responsible for what I say and do” are part of being a Girl Scout. Help her learn Business Ethics and to live the Girl Scout Law.
Cookies Are Coming! Please check your rosters and make sure everything is correct. No sharing information about the new packaging or the new cookie until Jan 7!! Important Links
Her Cookie Business = A Family Affair The diamond shaped Cookie Activity Pin has been retired.
Recognizing that selling cookies is a family effort and that parents have a huge impact on the life skills that girls gain during the sale, Girl Scouts has introduced new level-specific Cookie Entrepreneur Family Pins. It’s never been easier for parents to support their daughter as she develops business skills, makes amazing memories, and earns a different pin for her uniform every cookie season. The simple, age-specific guidelines have been tailored for her developing skill set, making success a snap! Click on the links below to find the guidelines.